Foam Minion and Stocking Ornaments

Foam Sheet Ornaments

Ok so I am still working on things for the craft fair that my lovely friend “K” signed me up for and really I am enjoying it more than I thought. However, with that said I find that I can only sew aprons and bibs and knit dish cloths for so much time before I want to pull out all my hair.

So I started looking at what other craft supplies I had laying around and found a bunch of foam sheets and that started my thinking process going about what could I create with them. I’m come up with a few ideas. One was stocking ornaments. They are super quick and easy to do and while yes I am doing the craft fair to earn money for my own Christmas shopping (money is really tight this year) I also would like to help out another family. So the money raised by sell the foam stockings will be used to help out a needy family fill up the stockings for their children…I am going to call it the Buy a Stocking to Fill a Stocking project. I will keep you informed of my progress with this and hopefully if it goes well I will try to make it a yearly thing.

These are some of the stockings that I have completed.

These are some of the stockings that I have completed.

While the stockings were super easy, I also came up with a Christmas Minion. K’s daughter “J” was my inspiration for them…she is minion crazy.

Here are the steps that I used to create my minions (please note I used foam glue to attach everything together):
1. To shape the body of the minion I measured out a rectangle piece of cardboard 2 1/2” x 1 1/2” and then just rounded the ends to make my template so that future minions would be easier to trace and cut out (I also created a larger template 5” x 3” with rounded corners). Then using this template I cut out a body using a sheet of yellow foam board.

Small minion body template.

Small minion body template.

2. I traced the top half of my template again to make a partial template for the Santa hat and then just free hand the second piece of the hat. I used a hold punch and punched out a circle of white foam sheet to use as a pompom and cut another small piece to use as the “fir” on the hat.

The hat templates laid out on a sheet of red foam.

The hat templates laid out on a sheet of red foam.

The cut out pieces of the body and the Santa hat.

The cut out pieces of the body and the Santa hat.

This is what the hat looks like assembled.

This is what the hat looks like assembled.

3. I freehanded another circle of white to use as his eye wear/eye and with my handy paint markers I drew on his face and attached the eye (you could use paint, markers, pens, etc).

4. I then cut out a piece of dark blue (photo shows it as a light blue not sure why) and with a couple of snips and a black pen I dresses my nude Minion (after the glue was dried I used scissors and just trimmed the excess blue away to the same shape as the body).

This is the finished project... think he turned out rather nice (minus the hanger lol)

This is the finished project… think he turned out rather nice (minus the hanger lol)

5. I still have to attach a string/rope to hang it from a tree. Now this is one of the areas that I messed up I should have placed this in between the yellow body and the red Santa hat but at least now I know for next time.

6. I have never once said I was perfect. Everything including life is always a learning process.

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